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PostgreSQL Memory ¤

For chat that requires a persistent message history with the advantages of scalability and robustness, you can use a PostgreSQL database to store the conversation history.

Set PostgreSQL memory¤

import declarai
from declarai.memory import PostgresMessageHistory

gpt_35 = declarai.openai(model="gpt-3.5-turbo")
) # (1)!
class SQLBot:
    You are a sql assistant. You help with SQL related questions with one-line answers.

sql_bot = SQLBot()
  1. The connection_string parameter specifies the connection details for the PostgreSQL database. Replace username, password, localhost, 5432, and mydatabase with your specific PostgreSQL connection details. The session_id parameter uniquely identifies the chat session for which the history is being stored.

Set PostgreSQL memory at runtime¤

In case you want to set the PostgreSQL memory at runtime, you can use the set_memory method.

import declarai
from declarai.memory import PostgresMessageHistory
gpt_35 = declarai.openai(model="gpt-3.5-turbo")
class SQLBot:
    You are a sql assistant. You help with SQL related questions with one-line answers.

sql_bot = SQLBot(chat_history=PostgresMessageHistory(connection_string="postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/mydatabase", session_id="unique_chat_id"))


Make sure to install the following dependencies before using PostgreSQL memory.

pip install declarai[postgresql]