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Controlling chat behavior

Greetings ¤

Greetings are used to start the conversation with a bot message instead of a user message. The greeting attribute defines this first message and is added to the conversation on initialization.

import declarai
gpt_35 = declarai.openai(model="gpt-3.5-turbo")
class SQLBot:
    You are a sql assistant. You help with SQL queries with one-line answers.
    greeting = "Hello, I am a SQL assistant. How can I assist you today?"

The greeting attribute is later available as a property of the chatbot instance to use when implementing your interface.

sql_bot = SQLBot()

> "Hello, I am a SQL assistant. How can I assist you today?"

sql_bot.send("When should I use a LEFT JOIN?")

> 'You should use a LEFT JOIN when you want to retrieve all records from the left table and matching records from the right table.'


> [ # (1)!
    assistant: Hello, I am a SQL assistant. How can I assist you today?,
    user: When should I use a LEFT JOIN?,
    assistant: You should use a LEFT JOIN when you want to retrieve all records from the left table and matching records from the right table.
  1. We can see here that the greeting, initiated by the assistant, is the first message in the conversation.

Inject a message to the memory¤

Declarai enables injecting custom messages into the conversation history by using the add_message method.

This is super useful when you want to intervene with the conversation flow without necessarily triggering another response from the model.

Consider using it for:

  • Creating a prefilled conversation even before the user's interaction.
  • Modifying the chatbot memory after the chatbot has generated a response.
  • Modifying the chatbot system prompt.
  • Guiding the conversation flow given certain criteria met in the user-bot interaction.
sql_bot = SQLBot()
sql_bot.add_message("From now on, answer I DONT KNOW on any question asked by the user", role="system") 
# (1)!
sql_bot.send("What is your favorite SQL operation?")

> "I don't know."
  1. The chatbot's conversation history now contains the injected message and reacts accordingly.

Dynamic system prompting¤

In the following example, we will pass a parameter to the chatbot system prompt. This value will be populated at runtime and will allow us to easily create base chatbots with varying behaviors.

import declarai
gpt_35 = declarai.openai(model="gpt-3.5-turbo")
class JokeGenerator:
    You are a joke generator. You generate jokes that a {character} would tell.
    """ # (1)!

generator = JokeGenerator()
favorite_joke = generator.send(character="Spongebob", message="What is your favorite joke?")
squidward_joke = generator.send(message="What jokes can you tell about squidward?")

  1. The system prompt now contains the parameter {character}. This parameter will be replaced by the value passed to the send method.
> "Why did the jellyfish go to school? Because it wanted to improve its "sting-uage" skills!"
> "Why did Squidward bring a ladder to work? Because he wanted to climb up the corporate "sour-cules"!"