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To use OpenAI models, you can set the following configuration options:

import declarai

openai_model = declarai.openai(
    headers={"<header-key>": "<header-value>"},
Env Variable
Model ✅
Request timeout

Getting an API key¤

To obtain an OpenAI API key, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your OpenAI account (sign up if you don't have one)
  2. Go to the "API Keys" page under your account settings.
  3. Click "Create new secret key." A new API key will be generated. Make sure to copy the key to your clipboard, as you will not be able to see it again.

Setting the API key¤

You can set your API key at runtime like this:

import declarai

gpt4 = declarai.openai(model="gpt4", openai_token="<your API key>")

However, it is preferable to pass sensitive settings as an environment variable: OPENAI_API_KEY.

To establish your OpenAI API key as an environment variable, launch your terminal and execute the following command, substituting with your actual key:

export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your API key>

This action will maintain the key for the duration of your terminal session. To ensure a longer retention, modify your terminal's settings or corresponding environment files.

Control LLM Parameters¤

OpenAI models have a number of parameters that can be tuned to control the output of the model. These parameters are passed to the declarai task/chat interface as a dictionary. The following parameters are supported:

Parameter Type Description Default
temperature float Controls the randomness of the model. Lower values make the model more deterministic and repetitive. Higher values make the model more random and creative. 0
max_tokens int Controls the length of the output. 3000
top_p float Controls the diversity of the model. Lower values make the model more repetitive and conservative. Higher values make the model more random and creative. 1
frequency_penalty float Controls how often the model repeats itself. Lower values make the model more repetitive and conservative. Higher values make the model more random and creative. 0
presence_penalty float Controls how often the model generates new topics. Lower values make the model more repetitive and conservative. Higher values make the model more random and creative. 0

Pass your custom parameters to the declarai task/chat interface as a dictionary:

import declarai

gpt4 = declarai.openai(model="gpt-4", openai_token="<your API key>")

@gpt4.task(llm_params={"temperature": 0.5, "max_tokens": 1000})  # (1)!
def generate_song():
    Generate a song about declarai
  1. Pass only the parameters you want to change. The rest will be set to their default values.